‘Scream 4’ Official Teaser Trailer

As a long-time horror flick fan, this is so exciting! Wes Craven and the original cast of the Scream series are back for Scream 4 – hitting theaters April 15, 2011. And now you can watch the first official teaser trailer after the jump! Do you think this will live up to the first three films’ horror/slasher legacy? Will you be seeing it?

Vodpod videos no longer available.

One Response to “‘Scream 4’ Official Teaser Trailer”
  1. CMrok93 says:

    Scream 4 had me wondering what could they possibly make fun of now?? But after seeing the trailer, I realized there’s so much more to this now, and I can’t wait to see it! I hope this doesn’t become a major let down.

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